Items filtered by date: October 2022

Tuesday, 25 October 2022 00:00

Lotion Before Bed

Sometimes, an individual’s feet may become itchy during the middle of the night. This may be caused by a case of dry skin or some other medical condition. Since itching sensations during bedtime can be particularly troublesome and disruptive to sleep, there are certain things you might consider doing to prevent this from happening. Most importantly, an individual might consider applying an everyday foot moisturizer to the feet before bed at night. Lotions that contain menthol might be particularly helpful because of the cooling sensation that it produces. If the skin on the feet feels especially dry, an individual might even opt for a more significant, heavy-duty cream for the feet. If you feel itchy at night, contact a podiatrist today for more tips about foot lotion. 

Everyday foot care is very important to prevent infection and other foot ailments. If you need your feet checked, contact Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM from Practice. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Everyday Foot Care

Often, people take care of their bodies, face and hair more so than they do for their feet. But the feet are a very important aspect of our bodies, and one that we should pay more attention to. Without our feet, we would not be able to perform most daily tasks.

It is best to check your feet regularly to make sure there are no new bruises or cuts that you may not have noticed before. For dry feet, moisturizer can easily be a remedy and can be applied as often as necessary to the affected areas. Wearing shoes that fit well can also help you maintain good foot health, as well as making it easier to walk and do daily activities without the stress or pain of ill-fitting shoes, high heels, or even flip flops. Wearing clean socks with closed shoes is important to ensure that sweat and bacteria do not accumulate within the shoe. Clean socks help to prevent Athlete’s foot, fungi problems, bad odors, and can absorb sweat.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Everyday Foot Care
Sunday, 23 October 2022 00:00

Are You Suffering From Ingrown Toenails?

If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to more serious concerns, such as an infection. Knowing proper nail care can help in the prevention of an ingrown toenail. Give us a call, and get treated!

Tuesday, 18 October 2022 00:00

What Is a Ganglion Cyst?

A ganglion cyst is a non-cancerous lump filled with a gel-like fluid. Ganglion cysts typically develop along a tendon or joint, such as the ankle or on the top of the foot. It is generally not painful, unless it presses on a nearby nerve. This non-cancerous growth may appear round or oval, and its location may inhibit foot or ankle movement. A ganglion cyst usually develops over time, often as the result of repeated irritation. This causes fluid to leak out from a tendon tunnel and begin to swell under the skin. Formation of a ganglion cyst also may be the result of trauma or an underlying medical condition, such as arthritis. A podiatrist can draw fluid from a cyst as well as do imaging tests to determine what it is and what may be causing it. Often a ganglion cyst will simply go away on its own, but it can be treated if it is causing pain or irritation. Treatment options include drawing out the fluid and injecting anti-inflammatory medication, and removing the cyst entirely. If you think you may have developed a ganglion cyst, please consult a podiatrist for a diagnostic test and treatment plan.

Foot Pain

Foot pain can be extremely painful and debilitating. If you have a foot pain, consult with Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM from Practice. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.


Foot pain is a very broad condition that could be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bone Spurs
  • Corns
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Arthritis (such as Gout, Rheumatoid, and Osteoarthritis)
  • Flat Feet
  • Injury (from stress fractures, broken toe, foot, ankle, Achilles tendon ruptures, and sprains)
  • And more


To figure out the cause of foot pain, podiatrists utilize several different methods. This can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatment depends upon the cause of the foot pain. Whether it is resting, staying off the foot, or having surgery; podiatrists have a number of treatment options available for foot pain.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Foot Pain
Tuesday, 11 October 2022 00:00

How Should Shoes Fit?

A good shoe should fit the shape of your foot. Poorly fitting shoes can cause all sorts of foot problems, including corns and bunions. With properly fitted shoes, your toes should be able to wiggle comfortably without hanging off the front of the shoe. Your heel should fit snugly and securely without feeling like it is slipping up and down. It is best to get your feet measured since one foot is usually larger than the other. Try shoes on both feet. Shoes should fit the larger foot. Pay attention to whether the shoes rub or pinch anywhere. Shoes should have at least ¼ inch between the longest toe and the end of the shoe for proper fit. For shoes with heels, make sure the toes lie together and are not cramped from wearing too high of a heel. If you plan to wear socks or stockings with shoes, try them on with those foot coverings. If you have questions about the proper fit of shoes, consult with a podiatrist who can help you.

It is important to find shoes that fit you properly in order to avoid a variety of different foot problems. For more information about treatment, contact Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM from Practice. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Proper Shoe Fitting

Shoes have many different functions. They cushion our body weight, protect our feet, and allow us to safely play sports. You should always make sure that the shoes you wear fit you properly in order to avoid injuries and deformities such as: bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and more. It is important to note that although a certain pair of shoes might be a great fit for someone else, that doesn’t mean they will be a great fit for you. This is why you should always try on shoes before buying them to make sure they are worth the investment. Typically, shoes need to be replaced ever six months to one year of regular use.

Tips for Proper Shoe Fitting

  • Select a shoe that is shaped like your foot
  • Don’t buy shoes that fit too tight, expecting them to stretch to fit
  • Make sure there is enough space (3/8” to ½”) for your longest toe at the end of each shoe when you are standing up
  • Walk in the shoes to make sure they fit and feel right
  • Don’t select shoes by the size marked inside the shoe, but by how the shoe fits your foot

The shoes you buy should always feel as good as they look. Shoes that fit properly will last longer, feel better, and improve your way of life each day.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Get a Proper Shoe Fit
Tuesday, 04 October 2022 00:00

How Children’s Feet Grow

Children’s feet are not just smaller than adult feet. They are shaped differently, and will change as they grow. During the first year of life, children’s feet are soft and supple and have ample fat pads on the soles. The arch of the foot begins to develop when a child starts to walk. The muscles become stronger as the feet grow in length and width. Before children begin to walk, their feet do not need to be covered except for warmth and hygiene. In fact, footwear that is too tight can interfere with the growth and development of their feet. Even when a child starts to walk, shoes are not needed indoors. Walking barefoot can help their feet grow normally, develop muscle tone, strength, and toe grasping action. While outside, a child’s feet should be protected by lightweight, flexible footwear. Shoes for young children should provide a degree of foot cushioning, stability, and foot flexibility. It is wise to check your child’s feet frequently to make sure their footwear is the correct size which may help to prevent foot issues from arising. If you are unsure of how to take care of your child’s feet or have questions about choosing appropriate footwear, consult a podiatrist who can help you.

The health of a child’s feet is vital to their overall well-being. If you have any questions regarding foot health, contact Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM of Practice. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Tips for Keeping Children's Feet Healthy

  • Make sure their shoes fit properly
  • Look for any signs of in-toeing or out-toeing
  • Check to see if they have Clubfoot (condition that affects your child’s foot and ankle, twisting the heel and toes inward) which is one of the most common nonmajor birth defects.
  • Lightly cover your baby’s feet (Tight covers may keep your baby from moving their feet freely, and could prevent normal development)
  • Allow your toddler to go shoeless (Shoes can be restricting for a young child’s foot)
  • Cut toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails
  • Keep your child’s foot clean and dry
  • Cover cuts and scrapes. Wash any scratches with soap and water and cover them with a bandage until they’ve healed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about What to Do to Keep Your Child’s Feet Healthy

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