Items filtered by date: January 2022

Wednesday, 26 January 2022 00:00

Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 00:00

Bursitis: A Real Pain in the Heel

There are many causes of heel pain, including bursitis. The retrocalcaneal bursa is a fluid-filled sac located between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon. It cushions and lubricates the tendon as it slides over the heel bone, while acting as a shock absorber during walking and other movements. Excessive walking, running, jumping or other stress inducing activities placed upon the ankle may cause this bursa to become swollen, irritated, and inflamed. The skin at the back of the heel may be warm or red. The affected area may also become very sensitive to the touch, and painful during physical activity or when standing on your toes. If you feel this type of pain at the back of your heel that does not improve with rest, it is in your best interest to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. They will perform a physical examination and may recommend certain conservative treatments such as icing, anti-inflammatory medication, orthotics or heel wedges to reduce stress on the heel, ultrasound and/or physical therapy, or possibly even steroid injections if other methods do not work.

Many people suffer from bouts of heel pain. For more information, contact Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM of Practice. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain is often associated with plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a band of tissues that extends along the bottom of the foot. A rip or tear in this ligament can cause inflammation of the tissue.

Achilles tendonitis is another cause of heel pain. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon will cause pain from fractures and muscle tearing. Lack of flexibility is also another symptom.

Heel spurs are another cause of pain. When the tissues of the plantar fascia undergo a great deal of stress, it can lead to ligament separation from the heel bone, causing heel spurs.

Why Might Heel Pain Occur?

  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes                  
  • Wearing non-supportive shoes
  • Weight change           
  • Excessive running


Heel pain should be treated as soon as possible for immediate results. Keeping your feet in a stress-free environment will help. If you suffer from Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis, applying ice will reduce the swelling. Stretching before an exercise like running will help the muscles. Using all these tips will help make heel pain a condition of the past.

If you have any questions please contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Heel Pain
Tuesday, 18 January 2022 00:00

Why Are My Toenails Yellow?

A common cause for yellow toenails is toenail fungus, however, it may be indicative of other conditions such as diabetes, psoriasis, yellow nail syndrome, lymphedema, lung problems, or jaundice. Fungal nail infections may also present symptoms such as thickened, hardened, and brittle nails, and the nail may even lift from the nail bed and emit a foul odor. Wearing shoes may cause pain or discomfort as well. This infection of the toenail (onychomycosis) is typically caused by the dermatophytes fungi in temperate climates, or non-dermatophytic moulds or candida in more tropical environments. Fungal nail infections may be brought on by exposure to the fungi that is living in public areas which are damp and warm such as communal showers, locker rooms, pools and gyms. Ill-fitting footwear, excessive sweating of the feet, brittle nails due to age, as well as injury, psoriasis, or other skin conditions may also increase a person’s risk for developing a fungal nail infection. Treating fungal nail infections is best handled by a podiatrist as the fungi are hearty and hard to kill entirely and promptly without professional care. If you have toenail fungus, make an appointment with a podiatrist. They may use prescription, oral and/or topical antifungal medications, laser therapy, as well as other treatments to help resolve your issue.

For more information about treatment, contact Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM of Practice. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus is a condition that affects many people and can be especially hard to get rid of. Fortunately, there are several methods to go about treating and avoiding it.

Antifungals & Deterrence

Oral antifungal medicine has been shown to be effective in many cases. It is important to consult with a podiatrist to determine the proper regiment for you, or potentially explore other options.

Applying foot powder on the feet and shoes helps keep the feet free of moisture and sweat.

Sandals or open toed shoes – Wearing these will allow air movement and help keep feet dry. They also expose your feet to light, which fungus cannot tolerate. Socks with moisture wicking material also help as well.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Toenail Fungus
Tuesday, 11 January 2022 00:00

Can Running Shoes Be Worn for Walking?

Shoes made for walking are usually different from those designed for runners because the mechanics of each activity are different and require shoes that meet those needs. The main difference between walking and running is that when you run, there is a moment when both feet are off the ground. When you walk, one foot is always on the ground. The shift from one foot to the other is gradual, and your weight is transferred from heel to toe much more slowly. Here are some things to look for when searching for a running shoe that you can walk in. It might be a good idea to choose a shoe with a beveled, or angled heel to help with smoother landings. The outsole should have as much ground contact as possible and because the foot bends more in walking, look for a shoe with a flexible forefoot area. Also, try to find a shoe with ample cushioning in the forefoot, but guard against too much cushioning which can tire the feet more easily when walking. If you are unsure of what shoe is best for your feet, please contact a podiatrist for recommendations.

If you are a runner, wearing the right running shoe is essential. For more information, contact Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM from Practice. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Choosing the Right Running Shoe for Your Foot Type

To increase performance and avoid the risk of injury, it is important to choose the right running shoe based on your foot type. The general design of running shoes revolves around pronation, which is how the ankle rolls from outside to inside when the foot strikes the ground.

  • Neutral runners are able to choose from a wide variety of shoes, including minimalist shoes or even going barefoot.
  • Runners who overpronate, or experience an over-abundance of ankle rolling, should choose shoes that provide extra motion control and stability.
  • Runners who underpronate, or supinate, have feet that have high arches and lack flexibility, preventing shock absorption. They require shoes with more flexibility and cushion.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Choosing the Right Running Shoe for Your Foot Type

In Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), a handheld device sends a series of acoustic pulses through the surface of the skin to an area of damaged tissue. This intense energy creates a microtrauma in the injured tissue, causing the body to respond by increasing blood circulation and metabolism. This accelerates the body’s natural healing response, helps the body to produce new cells, and reduces pain. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment with minimal side effects. The treatments only take a couple of minutes and are usually administered once a week for 3-4 weeks or more, depending on the level of damage/pain and how long it has been present. Shockwave therapy can be very effective in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, and more. Contact your podiatrist to see if your condition may be treated with ESWT.

Shockwave therapy is a treatment commonly used to treat various injuries and conditions, particularly plantar fasciitis in the feet. To learn more, consult with Mack Jay Groves IV, DPM from Practice. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a new treatment option designed to treat bone conditions such as tennis elbow, shoulder pain, and others. Shockwave therapy uses high intensity sound waves that are directed to the affected tissues of the body with pinpoint accuracy. The effects are very beneficial, leading to a production of collagen fibers, eliminating inflammation.

Who Benefits from Shockwave?

Shockwave is recommended for patients suffering from heel pain and associated problems. Heel pain is a common condition which can be caused by obesity, overexertion, and spending a substantial amount of time on hard floors with your feet exposed and unsupported.

Fast and Easy

The therapy is actually a simple process that can leave patients feeling better the very next day. Shockwave therapy is not as dramatic as it sounds. It enables more blood flow to effected areas, addressing the source of the problem and allowing treatment to last for a long time.

Treatment & Recovery Time

Shockwave treatment will enable your feet to recover quickly. This is especially important since surgery is not required. It is cost effective and does not require the use of anesthesia. This treatment is a better option to surgery, since it is proven safe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Covington, LA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Treating Heel Pain with Shockwave Therapy

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